Git and GitHub workflow#

The preferred workflow for contributing to aeon’s repository is to fork the main repository on GitHub, clone, and develop on a new branch.

  1. Fork the project repository by clicking on the ‘Fork’ button near the top right of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your GitHub user account. For more details on how to fork a repository, see this guide.

  2. Clone your fork of the aeon repo from your GitHub account to your local disk:

    git clone<username>/aeon.git
    cd aeon

    where <username> is your GitHub username.

  3. Configure and link the remote for your fork to the upstream repository:

    git remote -v
    git remote add upstream
  4. Verify the new upstream repository you’ve specified for your fork:

    git remote -v
    > origin<username>/aeon.git (fetch)
    > origin<username>/aeon.git (push)
    > upstream (fetch)
    > upstream (push)
  5. Sync the main branch of your fork with the upstream repository:

    git fetch upstream
    git checkout main
    git merge upstream/main
  6. Create a new feature branch from the main branch to hold your changes:

    git checkout main
    git checkout -b <feature-branch>

    Always use a feature branch. It’s good practice to never work on the main branch. Name the feature branch after your contribution.

  7. Develop your contribution on your feature branch. Add changed files using git add and then git commit files to record your changes in Git:

    git add <modified_files>
    git commit
  8. When finished, push the changes to your GitHub account with:

    git push --set-upstream origin my-feature-branch
  9. Follow these instructions to create a pull request from your fork. If your work is still work in progress, open a draft pull request.

    We recommend opening a pull request early, so that other contributors become aware of your work and can give you feedback early on.

  10. To add more changes, simply repeat steps 7 - 8. Pull requests are updated automatically if you push new changes to the same branch.


If the above is unclear, look up the Git documentation. If you get stuck, chat with us on Slack.