A Shapelet object to use for ploting operations. |
A class to visualize the result from a fitted shapelet transformer. |
A class to visualize the result from a fitted shapelet classifier. |
Plot one or more time series. |
Plot one or more lagged versions of a time series. |
Plot series and its ACF and PACF values. |
Plot a collection of time series. |
Plot a collection of time series, grouped by class. |
Plot the spectrogram of a given time series. |
Plot training and test windows. |
Plot the time series with the known change points. |
Plot the average ranks and cliques based on the method described in [Rbf00f587966d-1]. |
Plot similar to CDDs, but allows the case where cliques can be deceiving. |
Plot a box plot. |
Plot a scatter that compares actual and predicted values for a given dataset. |
Plot a scatter that compares datasets' results achieved by two methods. |
Plot a scatter that compares scores and timings for a set of estimators. |
Generate the Multi-Comparison Matrix (MCM) [Rbb655d87dead-1]. |
Plot the TS with the known and found change points and profiles. |
Plot the results from a univariate partitioning algorithm. |
Temporal importance curve diagram generator for interval forests. |
Plot the network with its input-output shapes and activations. |