Testing framework

aeon uses pytest for testing interface compliance of estimators and correctness of code. This page gives an overview of the test framework.

Unit tests should cover as much code as possible. This includes differing parameters for functions and estimators, error handling, and edge cases. It is not enough to just run the code, but to test that it behaves as expected through output and state checks after.

Writing aeon tests

There are two main ways to test code in aeon. Through test files and general estimator testing.

Test files

All files, functions, and classes can have corresponding test files in a corresponding tests directory of the package. If module.py is the file to be tested, the test file for it should be placed in tests/test_module.py in the same package as a original file.

   └── package/
      ├── __init__.py
      ├── module.py
      └── tests/
         ├── __init__.py
         └── test_module.py

All unit tests should be placed in a tests directory with a filename starting with test_. All test functions should start with test_ to be discovered by pytest i.e.

def test_function():
    assert function() == expected_output

For estimators, testing of base class functionality should be avoided to prevent duplication with the general testing. Avoid testing:

  • Basic runs of fit and predict methods using simple/testing parameters

  • Base class functionality such as the output of get_params and set_params or converting input data to the correct format.

  • Error handling for basic errors such as wrong input types or output shapes and types

Do test:

  • Specific functionality of the estimator such as parameters not seen in general testing

  • Whether internal attributes are set correctly after fitting or output is as expected

  • Edge cases and error handling for parameter values and more complex errors

Test functions which require soft dependencies should be skipped if the dependencies are not installed. This can be done using the pytest.mark.skipif decorator. See the dependencies page.

General estimator testing

The testing module contains generalised testing for any class which extends BaseAeonEstimator. This will test the estimator against a set of general checks to ensure it is compliant with the aeon API. This includes checking that inherited methods perform as expected, such as that estimator can be fitted on dummy data without issue. We will also perform a variety of checks on the estimator i.e. for picking, whether it is non-deterministic and the state of parameters, inputs and attributes after method calls.

Estimators which inherit from other base classes i.e. BaseClassifier or BaseAnomalyDetector will have additional tests run on them to ensure they comply with the API of the learning task. The tags of the estimator will also impact what is tested, such as X_input_type affecting the test data used and cant_pickle skip tests which require pickling the estimator.

There is no list of all tests that are run on an estimator, but the code for all checks can be found in the estimator_checks subpackage. The general tests can be run using functions found in the testing API page., with the main function being check_estimator. This function will collect all applicable tests from the various _yield_*_checks.py files and run them on the estimator.

Estimators which require soft dependencies will have all but a few tests checking behaviour surrounding the soft dependency skipped if the dependency is not installed.

Adding new checks to the general testing

To add a new check to the general testing, you must place it in the correct file. For example, if you want your check to be run on all estimators, it should be in the _yield_estimator_checks.py file. Tests relating to soft dependency checking are in _yield_soft_depencency_checks.py. Tests for all classification estimators are in _yield_classification_checks.py and so on.

There are multiple types of checks which can be added to the general testing, any new check should be one of the following:

  • Check for the estimator class

  • Check for the estimator class where a datatype is required

  • Check for the estimator instances

  • Check for the estimator instances where a datatype is required

  • Check for the estimator instances where all acceptable datatypes should be tested

In most cases (including the aeon GitHub CI) the general testing will be run on all parameter sets returned by the _create_test_instance method of the estimator. Which can contain multiple objects with different parameter sets. Each estimator will have a variety of datatypes for testing data available, this includes types such as 3D numpy arrays and lists, as well as capabilities such as multivariate and unequal length data. Running a check multiple times for each datatype can be expensive, so decide whether it is necessary or if any datatype will suffice.

After writing a new check, it then must be added to the _yield_*_checks function at the top of the file. Place the check in the correct section of the function for the type of check it is. yield the check using partial, making sure to include any parameters for the check so that the output check does not require any input. i.e.

yield partial(
    check_non_state_changing_method,  # check function
    estimator=estimator,  # estimator i from estimator_instances
    datatype=datatypes[i][0],  # estimator i, test datatype 0

See the _yield_classification_checks function for an example of this.

Adding a new module to the general testing

If you have a new module which requires general testing, you must add a new file to the estimator_checking directory. This file should be called _yield_*_checks.py where * is the name of the module. This file should follow the same structure as the other files in the directory.

Ensure the base class for the new module is in the register, and that it is included as a valid option in any relevant tags.

You will have to make sure that valid testing data and labels are available for your estimator type in testing/testing_data.py. Add to the FULL_TEST_DATA_DICT dictionary and edit the functions at the bottom as necessary to accommodate your module.

Some testing utilities may also need to be edited depending on the module structure, i.e. _run_estimator_method may need to be edited to accommodate different method parameter names.

Excluding tests and estimators

Tests and estimators can be completely excluded from the general testing by adding them to the EXCLUDED_ESTIMATORS and EXCLUDED_TESTS lists in the testing/testing_config.py file. EXCLUDED_ESTIMATORS only requires the estimator class name to skip all tests, while EXCLUDED_TESTS requires the class name and test names in a list.

These skips are only intended as a temporary measure, the issue causing the skip should be fixed eventually and the item removed. If the issue cannot be resolved in the estimators themselves, (i.e. predict must update the state for the task, which is not normally allowed) the testing itself should be updated and the items removed from the exclusion lists.

Testing in aeon CI

aeon uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration testing.

The aeon periodic test workflow runs once every day (except for manual runs) and will run all possible tests. This includes running all test files and general estimator testing on all estimators. The CI will also check for code formatting and linting, as well as test coverage.

The aeon PR testing workflow runs on every PR to the main branch. By default, this will run a constrained set of tests excluding some tests such as those which are noticeably expensive or prone to failure (i.e. I/O from external sources). The estimators run will also be split into smaller subsets to spread them over different Python version and operating system combinations. This is controlled by the PR_TESTING flag in testing/testing_config.py.

A large portion of testing time is spent compiling numba functions. By default, pull request workflows will use a cached set of functions generated from the periodic test. The cached functions for any changed files will be invalidated.

There are a number of labels which can be added to a PR to control the testing. These are:

  • codecov actions - Run the codecov action to update the test coverage

  • full examples run - Run the full examples in the documentation

  • full pre-commit - Run the pre-commit checks on all files

  • full pytest actions - Run all tests in the CI, disable PR_TESTING

  • no numba cache - Disable the GitHub numba cache for tests

  • run typecheck test - Run the mypy typecheck workflow

The periodic tests will run all of the above.

Running unit tests locally using pytest

To check if your code passes all tests locally, you need to install the development version of aeon and all extra dependencies. See the developer installation guide for more information.

To run all unit tests, run:

pytest aeon/

All regular pytest configuration is applicable here. See their documentation for more information.

The -k option can be used to run tests with a specific keyword i.e. to run all tests containing DummyClassifier:

pytest aeon/ -k DummyClassifier

All general tests will contain the estimator name in the test name, so this can be used to run tests for a specific estimator. This will also work for test/check names, or a combination to run a specific check on a specific estimator.

The pytest-xdist dependency allows for parallel testing. To run tests in parallel on all available cores, run:

pytest aeon/ -n auto

Alternatively, input a number to run on that many cores i.e. -n 4 to run on 4 cores.

aeon also has some custom configuration options in its conftest.py` file. There are:

  • --nonumba - Disable numba compilation if true

  • --enablethreading - Skip setting various threading options to 1 prior to tests if true

  • --prtesting - Set the PR_TESTING flag

Tracking test coverage

We use coverage, the pytest-cov plugin, and codecov for test coverage. Tes coverage can be found on the aeon codecov page.

Workflows which generate coverage reports will have numba njit functions disabled. This is mainly because the coverage of these functions cannot be accurately measured. numba functions are also prone to accidental errors such as out-of-bounds array access, which will not raise an error. As such, we use these workflows as an additional check for bugs in the codebase.