Using aeon
distances with scikit-learn
has a range of algorithms based on distances, including classifiers, regressors and clusterers. These can generally all be used with aeon
distances in two ways:
Pass the distance function as a callable to the
parameter in the constructor orSet the
to precomputed in the constructor and pass a pairwise distance matrix tofit
K-Nearest Neighbour Univariate Classification in sklearn.neighbors¶
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier, KNeighborsTransformer
from aeon.datasets import load_gunpoint
# Load the gunpoint dataset as a 2D numpy array
X_train_2D, y_train_2D = load_gunpoint(split="TRAIN", return_type="numpy2D")
X_test_2D, y_test_2D = load_gunpoint(split="TEST", return_type="numpy2D")
# Load the gunpoint dataset as a 3D numpy array
X_train_3D, y_train_3D = load_gunpoint(split="TRAIN")
X_test_3D, y_test_3D = load_gunpoint(split="TEST")
If we have a univariate problem stored as a 2D numpy shape (n_cases,n_timepoints)
, we can apply these estimators directly, but it is treating the data as vector rather than as time series.
If we try and use with an aeon
style 3D numpy (n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints)
, they will crash as scikit-learn
expect a 2D numpy array. See the data_formats for details on data storage.
# Using the 2D array format
print(f"Training set shape = {X_train_2D.shape} -> this works with sklearn")
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the 2D
# time series data using a standard distance
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric="manhattan"), y_train_2D)
predictions_2D = knn.predict(X_test_2D[:5])
print(f"kNN with manhattan distance on 2D time series data {predictions_2D}\n")
# Now using the 3D array format
print(f"Training set shape = {X_train_3D.shape} -> sklearn will crash as is a 3D array")
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the 3D time series data using a standard distance
# This will raise a ValueError as sklearn does not support 3D arrays
try:, y_train_3D)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Raises this ValueError:\n\t{e}")
Training set shape = (50, 1, 150) -> this works with sklearn
kNN with manhattan distance on 2D time series data ['1' '2' '2' '1' '1']
Training set shape = (50, 1, 150) -> sklearn will crash as is a 3D array
Raises this ValueError:
Found array with dim 3. KNeighborsClassifier expected <= 2.
We can use KNeighborsClassifier
with a callable aeon
distance function, but the input must still be 2D numpy array.
from aeon.distances import (
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the 2D time series data using the DTW distance
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric=dtw_distance), y_train_2D)
predictions_2D_DTW = knn.predict(X_test_2D[:5])
print(f"kNN with DTW distance on 2D time series data {predictions_2D_DTW}\n")
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the 3D time series data using the DTW distance
# This will still raise a ValueError as sklearn does not support 3D arrays
print("kNN with DTW distance on 3D time series data...")
try:, y_train_3D)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"...raises this ValueError:\n\t{e}")
kNN with DTW distance on 2D time series data ['1' '2' '2' '1' '2']
kNN with DTW distance on 3D time series data...
...raises this ValueError:
Found array with dim 3. KNeighborsClassifier expected <= 2.
We can also use aeon
distance functions as callables in other sklearn.neighbors
# Transform X into a graph of k nearest neighbors on the 2D time series data using the
# EDR distance
kt = KNeighborsTransformer(
metric_params={"itakura_max_slope": 0.5},
), y_train_2D)
kgraph = kt.transform(X_test_2D[:1]).toarray() # Convert the sparse matrix to an array
"Graph of neighbors for the first pattern in testing set with EDR distance on 2D"
f"time series data:\n{kgraph}\nNote that [i,j] has the weight of edge that "
"connects i to j.\n"
# Again, using a 3D array will raise a ValueError
print("Again, transforming 3D time series data into a graph of neighbors...")
try:, y_train_3D)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"...raises this ValueError:\n\t{e}")
Graph of neighbors for the first pattern in testing set with EDR distance on 2Dtime series data:
[[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0.00666667 0.00666667
0.00666667 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. ]]
Note that [i,j] has the weight of edge that connects i to j.
Again, transforming 3D time series data into a graph of neighbors...
...raises this ValueError:
Found array with dim 3. KNeighborsTransformer expected <= 2.
Also note that using an aeon
distance function as callable does not will not work with some kNN options such as `KDTree
<>`__ class or `BallTree
<>`__, as stated in the scikit-learn doc of these classes:
Note: Callable functions in the metric parameter are NOT supported for KDTree and Ball Tree. Function call overhead will result in very poor performance.
Because of these problems, we have implemented a KNN classifier and regressor to use with our distance functions.
The aeon
kNN classifier using a 3D numpy array achieves the same performance than the sklearn
one using the 2D numpy array even using time series specific distance functions. The results achieved are the same as time series are univariate and hence, the data can be formatted as a 2D array:
from aeon.classification.distance_based import KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier
# Apply the aeon kNN classifier on the 3D time series data using the MSM distance
knn_aeon = KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(distance="msm"), y_train_3D)
predictions_3D_aeon = knn_aeon.predict(X_test_3D[:5])
print(f"aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D time series data {predictions_3D_aeon}")
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the 2D time series data using the MSM distance
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric=msm_distance), y_train_2D)
predictions_2D_sklearn = knn.predict(X_test_2D[:5])
print(f"sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D time series data {predictions_2D_sklearn}")
aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D time series data ['1' '2' '2' '1' '1']
sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D time series data ['1' '2' '2' '1' '1']
K-Nearest Neighbour Multivariate Regression in sklearn.neighbors¶
However, if the time series dataset is a multivariate one, data has to be represented using a 3D numpy array. In this case, to use the sklearn
knn approach, channels have to be concatenated, and therefore, specific edit time series distances may compute the distance between values of different channels, and the results may be biased by these misleading implementation:
import numpy as np
from aeon.datasets import load_basic_motions
# Load the basic_motions multivariate (MTSC) dataset as a 3D numpy array
X_train_3D_mtsc, y_train_mtsc = load_basic_motions(split="TRAIN")
X_test_3D_mtsc, y_test_mtsc = load_basic_motions(split="TEST")
print(f"3D training set shape = {X_train_3D_mtsc.shape} -> does not work with sklearn")
# Transform the 3D numpy array to 2D concatenating the time series
# This time, the loader does not return the dataset as a 2D array as this is not an
# intended way of working with time series. We need to reshape it ourselves.
X_train_2D_mtsc = X_train_3D_mtsc.reshape(X_train_3D_mtsc.shape[0], -1)
X_test_2D_mtsc = X_test_3D_mtsc.reshape(X_test_3D_mtsc.shape[0], -1)
print(f"2D Training set shape = {X_train_2D_mtsc.shape} -> works with sklearn")
# selects some patterns from the dataset to speed up the example
indices = np.random.RandomState(1234).choice(len(y_test_mtsc), 5, replace=False)
X_test_2D_mtsc = X_test_2D_mtsc[indices]
X_test_3D_mtsc = X_test_3D_mtsc[indices]
y_test_mtsc = y_test_mtsc[indices]
3D training set shape = (40, 6, 100) -> does not work with sklearn
2D Training set shape = (40, 600) -> works with sklearn
# Apply the aeon kNN classifier on the 3D MTSC time series data using the ADTW distance
knn_aeon = KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(distance="adtw"), y_train_mtsc)
predictions_3D_aeon = knn_aeon.predict(X_test_3D_mtsc)
print(f"aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D MTSC time series data {predictions_3D_aeon}")
# Apply a sklearn kNN classifier on the concatenated 2D MTSC time series data using the
# ADTW distance
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric=adtw_distance), y_train_mtsc)
predictions_2D_sk = knn.predict(X_test_2D_mtsc)
print(f"sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D MTSC time series data {predictions_2D_sk}")
aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D MTSC time series data ['standing' 'walking' 'running' 'standing' 'standing']
sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D MTSC time series data ['standing' 'badminton' 'running' 'standing' 'standing']
K-Nearest Neighbour Univariate Regression in sklearn.neighbors¶
Similar conclusions can be drawn for the kNN regressor. First of all, we load the TSER dataset.
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from aeon.datasets import load_covid_3month
from aeon.regression.distance_based import KNeighborsTimeSeriesRegressor
# Load the Covid3Month dataset as a 3D numpy array
X_train_3D_reg, y_train_3D_reg = load_covid_3month(split="train")
X_test_3D_reg, y_test_3D_reg = load_covid_3month(split="test")
# Load the Covid3Month dataset as a 2D numpy array
X_train_2D_reg, y_train_2D_reg = load_covid_3month(split="train", return_type="numpy2D")
X_test_2D_reg, y_test_2D_reg = load_covid_3month(split="test", return_type="numpy2D")
Now, we compare the prediction of the aeon
and scikit-learn
versions. As the Covid3Month dataset is univariate, the results of both libraries should be the same.
knn_aeon_reg = KNeighborsTimeSeriesRegressor(distance="twe", n_neighbors=1), y_train_3D_reg)
predictions_3D_reg_aeon = knn_aeon_reg.predict(X_test_3D_reg[:5])
f"aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D TSER time series data {predictions_3D_reg_aeon}"
knn_sklearn = KNeighborsRegressor(metric=twe_distance, n_neighbors=1), y_train_2D_reg)
predictions_2D_reg_sk = knn_aeon_reg.predict(X_test_2D_reg[:5])
f"sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D TSER time series data {predictions_2D_reg_sk}"
aeon kNN with MSM distance on 3D TSER time series data [0.02558824 0.00877193 0.01960784 0.03533314 0.00805611]
sklearn kNN with MSM distance on 2D TSER time series data [0.02558824 0.00877193 0.01960784 0.03533314 0.00805611]
With respect to multivariate TSER datasets, same conclusions are obtained. We do not recommend concatenating channels as a regular practice.
K-Nearest Neighbour Classification and Regression in sklearn.neighbors with precomputed distances¶
Another alternative is to pass the distance measures as precomputed. Note that this requires the calculation of the full distance matrices, and still cannot be used with some other scikit-learn
knn options.
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from aeon.distances import adtw_pairwise_distance
# Compute the distances between all pairs of time series in the training set
# and between the testing set and the training set for the testing set
train_dists = adtw_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D)
test_dists = adtw_pairwise_distance(X_test_3D, X_train_3D)
# scikit-learn KNN classifier with precomputed distances
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(metric="precomputed", n_neighbors=1), y_train_3D)
predictions_precomputed = knn.predict(test_dists)
print(f"sklearn kNN with precomputed ADTW distance {predictions_precomputed[:5]}")
# aeon KNN classifier with ADTW distance (not precomputed)
knn_aeon = KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(distance="adtw", n_neighbors=1), y_train_3D)
predictions_aeon = knn_aeon.predict(X_test_3D)
print(f"aeon kNN with ADTW distance {predictions_aeon[:5]}")
# Compute the CCR on both experiments
CCR_precomputed = accuracy_score(y_test_3D, predictions_precomputed)
CCR_aeon = accuracy_score(y_test_3D, predictions_aeon)
sklearn kNN with precomputed ADTW distance ['1' '2' '2' '1' '1']
aeon kNN with ADTW distance ['1' '2' '2' '1' '1']
Same conclusions can be obtained when dealing with a TSER dataset.
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from aeon.distances import erp_pairwise_distance
# Compute the distances between all pairs of time series in the training set
# and between the testing set and the training set for the testing set
train_dists_erp = erp_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D_reg)
test_dists_erp = erp_pairwise_distance(X_test_3D_reg, X_train_3D_reg)
# scikit-learn KNN regressor with precomputed distances
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(metric="precomputed", n_neighbors=1), y_train_3D_reg)
predictions_precomputed = knn.predict(test_dists_erp)
print(f"sklearn kNN with precomputed ERP distance {predictions_precomputed[:5]}")
# aeon KNN regressor with ERP distance (not precomputed)
knn_aeon = KNeighborsTimeSeriesRegressor(distance="erp", n_neighbors=1), y_train_3D_reg)
predictions_aeon = knn_aeon.predict(X_test_3D_reg)
print(f"aeon kNN with ERP distance {predictions_aeon[:5]}")
# Compute the CCR on both experiments
MSE_precomputed = mean_squared_error(y_test_3D_reg, predictions_precomputed)
MSE_aeon = mean_squared_error(y_test_3D_reg, predictions_aeon)
sklearn kNN with precomputed ERP distance [0.02558824 0.05594406 0.01449275 0.03533314 0.12759489]
aeon kNN with ERP distance [0.02558824 0.05594406 0.01449275 0.03533314 0.12759489]
Support Vector Machine Classification in sklearn.svm¶
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from aeon.distances import twe_pairwise_distance
The SVM estimators in scikit-learn
can be used with pairwise distance matrices. Please note that not all elastic distance functions are kernels, and it is desirable that they are for SVM. DTW is not a metric, but MSM and TWE are.
# Select 25 patterns from the dataset to speed up the example
indices = np.random.RandomState(1234).choice(len(y_train_3D), 25, replace=False)
# Fit the SVC model with the TWE distance as callable function.
svc = SVC(kernel=twe_pairwise_distance)[indices], y_train_2D[indices])
print("SVC with TWE first five predictions = ", svc.predict(X_test_2D)[:5])
SVC with TWE first five predictions = ['2' '1' '1' '2' '1']
Time with callable function: 2.102813597768545
The same results can be obtained if the distances are precomputed.
# Fit the SVC model with precomputed distances
svc = SVC(kernel="precomputed")
train_dists_twe = twe_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D[indices])
test_dists_twe = twe_pairwise_distance(X_test_3D, X_train_3D[indices]), y_train_3D[indices])
"SVC with precomputed TWE first five predictions = ",
SVC with precomputed TWE first five predictions = ['2' '1' '1' '2' '1']
Time with precomputed distances: 12.786979459226131
Support Vector Machine Regression in sklearn.svm¶
from sklearn.svm import NuSVR
from aeon.distances import msm_pairwise_distance
SVR and NuSVR also allow to use the distance function as callable as previously aforementioned. As can be observed, the results are the same:
# Select 25 patterns from the dataset to speed up the example
indices = np.random.RandomState(1234).choice(len(y_train_3D_reg), 25, replace=False)
# Fit the NuSVR model with the MSM distance as callable function.
nusvr = NuSVR(kernel=msm_pairwise_distance)[indices], y_train_2D_reg[indices])
print("NuSVR with MSM first five predictions = ", nusvr.predict(X_test_2D_reg)[:5])
# Fit the NuSVR model with precomputed distances
nusvr = NuSVR(kernel="precomputed")
train_dists_msm = msm_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D_reg[indices])
test_dists_msm = msm_pairwise_distance(X_test_3D_reg, X_train_3D_reg[indices]), y_train_3D_reg[indices])
"NuSVR with precomputed MSM first five predictions = ",
NuSVR with MSM first five predictions = [ 3315.08833625 -3035.91166375 -3196.91166375 827.08833625
NuSVR with precomputed MSM first five predictions = [ 3315.08833625 -3035.91166375 -3196.91166375 827.08833625
Clustering with sklearn.cluster¶
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from aeon.distances import euclidean_pairwise_distance
Some scikit-learn
clustering algorithms accept callable distances or precomputed distance matrices as well, and these can be used with aeon
distance functions.
Note that DBSCAN can only make predictions on the train data, so it has no predict function.
# Fit the DBSCAN model with the euclidean distance (default).
db1 = DBSCAN(eps=2.5)
preds1 = db1.fit_predict(X_train_2D)
print("DBSCAN with euclidean distance on 2D time series data = ", preds1[:5])
# Fit the DBSCAN model with precomputed distances
db2 = DBSCAN(metric="precomputed", eps=2.5)
preds2 = db2.fit_predict(euclidean_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D))
"DBSCAN with precomputed euclidean distance on 3D time series data = ",
# Fit the DBSCAN model with the MSM distance as callable function.
db3 = DBSCAN(metric=msm_distance, eps=2.5)
preds3 = db3.fit_predict(X_train_2D)
print("DBSCAN with MSM distance on 2D time series data = ", preds3[:5])
# Fit the DBSCAN model with precomputed distances on the MSM distance
db4 = DBSCAN(metric="precomputed", eps=2.5)
preds4 = db4.fit_predict(msm_pairwise_distance(X_train_3D))
"DBSCAN with precomputed MSM distance on 3D time series data = ",
DBSCAN with euclidean distance on 2D time series data = [-1 0 0 0 0]
DBSCAN with precomputed euclidean distance on 3D time series data = [-1 0 0 0 0]
DBSCAN with MSM distance on 2D time series data = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
DBSCAN with precomputed MSM distance on 3D time series data = [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
Using distances coupled with FunctionTransformer wrapper¶
You can use pairwise distance functions within the scikit-learn
FunctionTransformer wrapper
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
from aeon.datasets import load_italy_power_demand
from aeon.distances import msm_distance, msm_pairwise_distance
X, y = load_italy_power_demand(split="TRAIN")
# Create a FunctionTransformer to apply the MSM pairwise distance
ft = FunctionTransformer(msm_pairwise_distance)
X2 = ft.transform(X)
print(f"Shape (FunctionTransformer) = {X2.shape}")
# Compute the MSM pairwise distance
X2_bis = msm_pairwise_distance(X)
print(f"Shape (msm_pairwise_distance) = {X2_bis.shape}")
# Check that the three results are the same
d = msm_distance(X[0], X[1])
print(f"These values are the same {d}, {X2[0][1]} and {X2_bis[0][1]}.")
Shape (FunctionTransformer) = (67, 67)
Shape (msm_pairwise_distance) = (67, 67)
These values are the same 7.595223506000001, 7.595223506000001 and 7.595223506000001.
This makes it easy to use distances as features in an a scikit-learn
pipeline. Whether it is a good idea to do this is a separate question.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# Fit a pipeline with the FunctionTransformer (using the msm_pairwise_distance) and the
# SVM classifier
pipe = Pipeline(steps=[("FunctionTransformer", ft), ("SVM", SVC())]), y)
"Pipeline with SVM and MSM distance works! First five predictions = ",
Pipeline with SVM and MSM distance works! First five predictions = ['1' '1' '2' '2' '1']
Generated using nbsphinx. The Jupyter notebook can be found here.