
elastic_barycenter_average(X: ndarray, distance: str = 'dtw', max_iters: int = 30, tol: float = 1e-05, init_barycenter: ndarray | str = 'mean', method: str = 'petitjean', weights: ndarray | None = None, initial_step_size: float = 0.05, final_step_size: float = 0.005, precomputed_medoids_pairwise_distance: ndarray | None = None, verbose: bool = False, random_state: int | None = None, **kwargs) ndarray[source]

Compute the barycenter average of time series using a elastic distance.

This is a utility function that computes the barycenter average of a collection of time series instances. The barycenter algorithm used can be select using the method parameter. The following methods are available: - ‘petitjean’: This implements an adapted version of ‘petitjean’ (original) DBA algorithm [1]. - ‘subgradient’: This implements a stochastic subgradient DBA algorithm [2].

Petitjean is slower but guaranteed to find the optimal solution. Stochastic subgradient is much faster but not guaranteed to find the optimal solution.

For large datasets it is recommended to use the ‘subgradient’ method. This will estimate the barycenter much faster than the ‘petitjean’ method. However, the ‘subgradient’ method is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution. If computational time is not an issue, it is recommended to use the ‘petitjean’ method.

X: np.ndarray, of shape (n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints) or

(n_cases, n_timepoints)

A collection of time series instances to take the average from.

distance: str, default=’dtw’

String defining the distance to use for averaging. Distance to compute similarity between time series. A list of valid strings for metrics can be found in the documentation form aeon.distances.get_distance_function.

max_iters: int, default=30

Maximum number iterations for dba to update over.

tolfloat (default: 1e-5)

Tolerance to use for early stopping: if the decrease in cost is lower than this value, the Expectation-Maximization procedure stops.

init_barycenter: np.ndarray or, default=None

The initial barycenter to use for the minimisation. If a np.ndarray is provided it must be of shape (n_channels, n_timepoints). If a str is provided it must be one of the following: [‘mean’, ‘medoids’, ‘random’]. - ‘mean’: Uses mean of the time series instances. - ‘medoids’: Uses medoids of the time series instances. = ‘random’: Uses a random time series instance.

initial_step_sizefloat (default: 0.05)

Initial step size for the subgradient descent algorithm. Default value is suggested by [2].

final_step_sizefloat (default: 0.005)

Final step size for the subgradient descent algorithm. Default value is suggested by [2].

method: str, default=’petitjean’

The method to use for the barycenter averaging. Valid strings are: [‘petitjean’, ‘subgradient’].

weights: Optional[np.ndarray] of shape (n_cases,), default=None

The weights associated to each time series instance, if None a weight of 1 will be associated to each instance.

precomputed_medoids_pairwise_distance: np.ndarray (of shape (len(X), len(X)),


Precomputed medoids pairwise.

verbose: bool, default=False

Boolean that controls the verbosity.

random_state: int or None, default=None

Random state to use for the barycenter averaging.


Keyword arguments to pass to the distance method.

np.ndarray of shape (n_channels, n_timepoints)

Time series that is the average of the collection of instances provided.



F. Petitjean, A. Ketterlin & P. Gancarski. A global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 2011, Vol. 44, Num. 3, pp. 678-693

[2] (1,2,3)

D. Schultz and B. Jain. Nonsmooth Analysis and Subgradient Methods for Averaging in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces. Pattern Recognition, 74, 340-358.