Contributing to aeon

aeon is a community-driven project and contributions are most welcome. We value all kinds of contributions, not just code. Improvements to docs, bug reports, and taking on communications or code of conduct responsibilities are all examples of valuable contributions beyond code which help make aeon a great package.

In the following we will give a brief overview of how to contribute to aeon. Making contributions to open source projects takes a bit of proactivity and can be daunting at first, but members of the community are here to help and answer questions. If you get stuck, please don’t hesitate to talk with us or raise an issue.

Recommended steps for first time contributors, or to get started with regular contributions:

  1. Say hello in the introductions or contributors channel on Slack and mention which places you are interested in contributing to.

  2. Get setup for development, see the developer install instructions for creating a fork of aeon.

  3. Pick an enhancement, documentation or maintenance issue from the issue list to complete i.e. improving an algorithm, docstring or test. The good first issue list may be a good place to start.

  4. Post on the issue which you want to work on, so that others know you are working on it. To assign yourself an Issue/Pull Request, please post a comment in the issue including ‘@aeon-actions-bot’, the username of people to assign and the word assign:

    For example:

    @aeon-actions-bot assign @MatthewMiddlehurst

    If it is a larger issue with multiple components, indicate which part you are working on. A Core Developer may suggest a different issue if the one you chose is complex or somebody is already working on it.

  5. Create a pull request (PR) with your changes from your fork. For help, see the GitHub documentation or ask in Slack. Follow the PR template and checklist.

  6. A Core Developer will review your PR and may provide feedback, which you can then address. If you are unsure about any feedback, please ask for clarification.

  7. Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the aeon repository. Thanks for making a contribution! Make sure you are included in the list of contributors.

Further guidance for contributing to aeon via GitHub can be found on the developer guide.

If your intended method of contribution does not fit into the above steps, please reach out to us on Slack for discussion. While GitHub contributions are the most common, it is not the only way to contribute to aeon.

Acknowledging Contributions

We follow the all-contributors specification and recognise various types of contributions. Take a look at our past and current contributors!

If you are a new contributor, make sure we add you to our list of contributors. All contributions are recorded in .all-contributorsrc. Alternatively, you can use the @all-contributors bot to do this for you. A list of relevant tags can be found here.

Further Reading

For further information on contributing to aeon, please see the following pages.

Developer Guide

Guidance for aeon developers on a range of topics.

Reporting Bugs

Guidance for reporting bugs in aeon.

Mentoring and Projects

aeon projects and mentoring opportunities.