
This page is to help core developers in releasing a new version of aeon.

Core developers making a release should have write access to the repository.

aeon aims for a release every one or two months currently, based on the amount of new content available for the release.

Preparing the release version

The release process is as follows, on high-level:

  1. Ensure deprecation actions are carried out. Deprecation actions for a version should be marked by “version number” annotated comments in the code. E.g., for the release 0.10.0, search for the string 0.10.0 in the code and carry out described deprecation actions. Collect list of deprecation actions, as they should go in the release notes.

  2. Create a “release” pull request. Create a branch from main and PR named after the release version. This should make changes to the version numbers (root, and pyproject.toml) and have complete release notes in the changelog webpage.

  3. Merge the “release” pull request. This PR should ideally be the final PR made before the release with the exception of any necessary troubleshooting PRs. The PR and release notes should optimally be reviewed by the core developers, then merged once tests pass.

  4. Create the GitHub release. This release should create a new tag following the syntax v[MAJOR].[MINOR].[PATCH], e.g., the string v0.10.0 for version 0.10.0. The release name should similarly be aeon v0.10.0. The GitHub release notes should contain only “hightlights”, “new contributors” and “all contributors” sections, and otherwise link to the release notes in the changelog, following the pattern of current GitHub release notes. The full GitHub commit log between releases can also be included.

pypi release and release validation

Creation of the GitHub release trigger the pypi release workflow.

  1. Wait for the pypi release CI/CD to finish. If tests fail due to sporadic unrelated failure, restart. If tests fail genuinely, something went wrong in the above steps, investigate, fix, and repeat.

  2. Release workflow completion tasks. Once the release workflow has passed, check aeon version on pypi, this should be the new version. A validatory installation of aeon in a new Python environment should be carried out according to the installation instructions. If the installation does not succeed or wheels have not been uploaded, action to diagnose and remedy must be taken.

conda-forge release and release validation

  1. Merge the conda-forge release PR. After some time a PR will be automatically created in the aeon conda-forge feedstock. Follow the instructions in the PR to merge it, making sure to update any dependencies that have changed and dependency version bounds.

Release notes

Generally, release notes should follow the general pattern of previous release notes, with sections:

  • Highlights

  • Dependency changes, if any

  • Deprecations/removals, if any.

  • Auto generated PR and contributions sections.