Developing Documentation

aeon’s documentation standards include:

  • Documenting code using numpydoc docstring conventions

  • Adding new public functionality to the api_reference.

More detailed information on aeon’s documentation format is provided below.

Docstring conventions

aeon uses the numpydoc Sphinx extension and follows NumPy docstring format.

To ensure docstrings meet expectations, aeon uses a combination of validations built into numpydoc and pydocstyle pre-commit checks (set to the NumPy convention) and automated testing of docstring examples to ensure the code runs without error.

Beyond basic NumPy docstring formatting conventions, developers should aim to:

  • Ensure all parameters (classes, functions, methods) and attributes (classes) are documented completely and consistently

  • Add a See Also section that references related aeon code as applicable

  • Include citations to relevant sources in a References section

  • Include an Examples section that demonstrates at least basic functionality all public code

  • The docstrings are rendered into .rst files and should be written taking this into account. For example, two ` characters are required for a code block instead of the one used in Markdown.

In many cases, a parameter, attribute return object, or error may be described in many docstrings across aeon. To avoid confusion, developers should try to make sure their docstrings are as consistent as possible to existing docstring descriptions.

aeon should generally include numpydoc section in the following order as applicable:

  1. Summary

  2. Extended Summary

  3. Parameters

  4. Attributes (classes only)

  5. Returns/Yields (functions/methods only)

  6. Raises (functions/methods only)

  7. See Also

  8. Notes

  9. References

  10. Examples

Summary and Extended Summary

The summary should be a single line, followed by a extended summary. The extended summary should include a user-friendly explanation of the code functionality, i.e. a short, user-friendly synopsis of the algorithm being implemented or a high-level summary of the estimator components.

Parameters and Attributes

All parameters and fitted attributes (any public attribute i.e. those set in fit and ending with _) should be listed in the docstring. Each parameter and attribute should include a description, type, and default value (if applicable). For example:

n_jobs : int, default=1
    The number of jobs to run in parallel for both ``fit`` and ``predict``.
    ``-1`` means using all processors.

Parameters without default values or attributes do not need to include a default value:

n_cases_ : int
    Number of train instances in data passed to ``fit``.

See Also

This section should reference other aeon code related to the code being documented. For example, the Catch22 pipeline classifier may reference the Catch22 feature transformation and the pipeline regressor.

    Variant of the BOSS classifier.
    SFA based pipeline extending from BOSS.
    The Symbolic Fourier Approximation feature transformation used in BOSS.


The notes section can information which is useful but does not fit into the other sections or extended summary. At the discretion of developers. Some examples are:

  • Links to alternative implementations of the code that are external to aeon

  • Links to code used or taken inspiration from (sometimes this is better in the extended summary)

  • Explanations of quirks or limitations of the code


aeon estimators that implement a published algorithm should generally include citations to the original article (including arxiv etc.). Other papers relevant to the code such as evaluations or extensions can also be included.

References must be included in the following format:

.. [1] Some research article, link or other type of citation.
   Long references wrap onto multiple lines, but you need to
   indent them so they start aligned with opening bracket on first line.

The .. [*] must be included at the start of the reference for it to render correctly. include whitespace for other lines as shown. The reference label should be incremented by 1 for each new reference.

To link to the reference labelled as [1], you use [1]_ elsewhere in the docstring. For multiple contiguous references follow the format [1]_, [2]_. This only works within the same docstring. Include whitespace between the reference label and other text in the docstring.


Most public code in aeon should include an examples section. At a minimum, this should include a single example that illustrates basic functionality. The examples should use either a built-in aeon dataset or other simple data (e.g. randomly generated data) where possible. Examples should also be designed to run quickly where possible.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from aeon.distances import dtw_distance
>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
>>> y = np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])
>>> dtw_distance(x, y) # 1D series

>>> x = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [0, 1, 0, 2, 0]])
>>> y = np.array([[11, 12, 13, 14],[7, 8, 9, 20],[1, 3, 4, 5]] )
>>> dtw_distance(x, y) # 2D series with 3 channels, unequal length

>>> is used to indicate a line of code. Lines can be continued with ..., for example, if you have a long import you may want to do:

>>> from aeon.classification.dictionary_based import (
...     BOSSEnsemble
... )

Examples of good aeon docstrings

Here are a few examples of aeon code with good documentation.





Documentation build

We use sphinx to build our documentation and readthedocs to host it. You can find our latest documentation here.

The source files can be found in docs/. The main configuration file for sphinx is and the main page is To add new pages, you need to add a new .md (or .rst, but preferably Markdown) file and include it in a toctree to include it in the sidebar.

To build the documentation locally, you need to install a few extra dependencies listed in pyproject.toml.

  1. To install documentation dependencies from the root directory, run:

pip install --editable .[docs]
  1. Swap to the documentation directory:

cd docs

Note: If you are using Linux or MacOS, you’ll have to install Pandoc as a dependency. Install it using the following command:

If you’re using any Debian based system, you can use the following command to install Pandoc:

sudo apt install pandoc

If you’re using MacOS, you can use the following command to install Pandoc:

brew install pandoc

For all other operating systems, please checkout the Pandoc installation guide.

  1. To build the website locally, run:

make html

For Windows, instead use:

make.bat html

This will generate HTML documentation in docs/_build/html. Repeat step 3 to regenerate the files if you make any changes.