check_is_fitted ()
Check if the estimator has been fitted. |
clone ()
Obtain a clone of the object with same hyper-parameters. |
clone_tags (estimator[, tag_names])
Clone/mirror tags from another estimator as dynamic override. |
compute_harmonic_mean (state_info, y)
Calculate harmonic mean from a state info matrix and array of class labeles. |
create_test_instance ([parameter_set, ...])
Construct Estimator instance if possible. |
create_test_instances_and_names ([parameter_set])
Create list of all test instances and a list of names for them. |
filter_X (X, decisions)
Remove True cases from X given a boolean array of decisions. |
filter_X_y (X, y, decisions)
Remove True cases from X and y given a boolean array of decisions. |
fit (X, y)
Fit time series classifier to training data. |
get_class_tag (tag_name[, tag_value_default, ...])
Get tag value from estimator class (only class tags). |
get_class_tags ()
Get class tags from estimator class and all its parent classes. |
get_fitted_params ([deep])
Get fitted parameters. |
get_metadata_routing ()
Get metadata routing of this object. |
get_param_defaults ()
Get parameter defaults for the object. |
get_param_names ()
Get parameter names for the object. |
get_params ([deep])
Get parameters for this estimator. |
get_state_info ()
Return the state information generated from the last predict/update call. |
get_tag (tag_name[, tag_value_default, ...])
Get tag value from estimator class. |
get_tags ()
Get tags from estimator class. |
get_test_params ([parameter_set])
Return testing parameter settings for the estimator. |
is_composite ()
Check if the object is composite. |
load_from_path (serial)
Load object from file location. |
load_from_serial (serial)
Load object from serialized memory container. |
predict (X)
Predicts labels for sequences in X. |
predict_proba (X)
Predicts labels probabilities for sequences in X. |
reset ()
Reset the object to a clean post-init state. |
reset_state_info ()
Reset the state information used in update methods. |
save ([path])
Save serialized self to bytes-like object or to (.zip) file. |
score (X, y)
Scores predicted labels against ground truth labels on X. |
set_params (**params)
Set the parameters of this object. |
set_tags (**tag_dict)
Set dynamic tags to given values. |
split_indices (indices, decisions)
Split a list of indices given a boolean array of decisions. |
split_indices_and_filter (X, indices, decisions)
Remove True cases and split a list of indices given an array of decisions. |
update_predict (X)
Update label prediction for sequences in X at a larger series length. |
update_predict_proba (X)
Update label probabilities for sequences in X at a larger series length. |