class SAST(lengths: ndarray | None = None, stride: int = 1, nb_inst_per_class: int = 1, seed: int | None = None, n_jobs: int = 1)[source]

Scalable and Accurate Subsequence Transform (SAST).

SAST [1] first randomly selects k time series from each class (they are called reference time series). Then SAST generates all the subsequences of the specified lengths from these reference time series. These subsequences are then used to transform a time series dataset, replacing each time series by the vector of its distance to each subsequence.

lengthsint[], default = None

an array containing the lengths of the subsequences to be generated. If None, will be infered during fit as np.arange(3, X.shape[1])

strideint, default = 1

the stride used when generating subsquences

nb_inst_per_classint default = 1

the number of reference time series to select per class

seedint, default = None

the seed of the random generator

n_jobsint, default -1

Number of threads to use for the transform. The available cpu count is used if this value is less than 1


Whether fit has been called.



Mbouopda, Michael Franklin, and Engelbert Mephu Nguifo.

“Scalable and accurate subsequence transform for time series classification.” Pattern Recognition 147 (2023): 110121.,


>>> from aeon.transformations.collection.shapelet_based import SAST
>>> from aeon.datasets import load_unit_test
>>> X_train, y_train = load_unit_test(split="train")
>>> X_test, y_test = load_unit_test(split="test")
>>> sast = SAST()
>>>, y_train)
>>> X_train = sast.transform(X_train)
>>> X_test = sast.transform(X_test)



Check if the estimator has been fitted.


Obtain a clone of the object with same hyper-parameters.

clone_tags(estimator[, tag_names])

Clone/mirror tags from another estimator as dynamic override.

create_test_instance([parameter_set, ...])

Construct Estimator instance if possible.


Create list of all test instances and a list of names for them.

fit(X[, y])

Fit transformer to X, optionally using y if supervised.

fit_transform(X[, y])

Fit to data, then transform it.

get_class_tag(tag_name[, tag_value_default, ...])

Get tag value from estimator class (only class tags).


Get class tags from estimator class and all its parent classes.


Get fitted parameters.


Get metadata routing of this object.


Get parameter defaults for the object.


Get parameter names for the object.


Get parameters for this estimator.

get_tag(tag_name[, tag_value_default, ...])

Get tag value from estimator class.


Get tags from estimator class.


Return testing parameter settings for the estimator.

inverse_transform(X[, y])

Inverse transform X and return an inverse transformed version.


Check if the object is composite.


Load object from file location.


Load object from serialized memory container.


Reset the object to a clean post-init state.


Save serialized self to bytes-like object or to (.zip) file.


Set the parameters of this object.


Set dynamic tags to given values.

transform(X[, y])

Transform X and return a transformed version.

update(X[, y, update_params])

Update transformer with X, optionally y.


Check if the estimator has been fitted.


If the estimator has not been fitted yet.


Obtain a clone of the object with same hyper-parameters.

A clone is a different object without shared references, in post-init state. This function is equivalent to returning sklearn.clone of self. Equal in value to type(self)(**self.get_params(deep=False)).

instance of type(self), clone of self (see above)
clone_tags(estimator, tag_names=None)[source]

Clone/mirror tags from another estimator as dynamic override.


Estimator inheriting from :class:BaseEstimator.

tag_namesstr or list of str, default = None

Names of tags to clone. If None then all tags in estimator are used as tag_names.


Reference to self.


Changes object state by setting tag values in tag_set from estimator as dynamic tags in self.

classmethod create_test_instance(parameter_set='default', return_first=True)[source]

Construct Estimator instance if possible.

Calls the get_test_params method and returns an instance or list of instances using the returned dict or list of dict.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

return_firstbool, default=True

If True, return the first instance of the list of instances. If False, return the list of instances.

instanceBaseEstimator or list of BaseEstimator

Instance of the class with default parameters. If return_first is False, returns list of instances.

classmethod create_test_instances_and_names(parameter_set='default')[source]

Create list of all test instances and a list of names for them.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

objslist of instances of cls

i-th instance is cls(**cls.get_test_params()[i]).

nameslist of str, same length as objs

i-th element is name of i-th instance of obj in tests convention is {cls.__name__}-{i} if more than one instance otherwise {cls.__name__}.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Fit transformer to X, optionally using y if supervised.

State change:

Changes state to “fitted”.

Writes to self: _is_fitted : flag is set to True. model attributes (ending in “_”) : dependent on estimator

Xnp.ndarray or list

Input data, any number of channels, equal length series of shape ( n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints) or list of numpy arrays (any number of channels, unequal length series) of shape [n_cases], 2D np.array (n_channels, n_timepoints_i), where n_timepoints_i is length of series i. Other types are allowed and converted into one of the above.

Different estimators have different capabilities to handle different types of input. If self.get_tag(“capability:multivariate”)` is False, they cannot handle multivariate series. If self.get_tag( "capability:unequal_length") is False, they cannot handle unequal length input. In both situations, a ValueError is raised if X has a characteristic that the estimator does not have the capability to handle.

Data to fit transform to, of valid collection type.

ynp.ndarray, default=None

1D np.array of float or str, of shape (n_cases) - class labels (ground truth) for fitting indices corresponding to instance indices in X. If None, no labels are used in fitting.

selfa fitted instance of the estimator
fit_transform(X, y=None)[source]

Fit to data, then transform it.

Fits the transformer to X and y and returns a transformed version of X.

State change:

Changes state to “fitted”.

Writes to self: _is_fitted : flag is set to True. _X : X, coerced copy of X, if remember_data tag is True

possibly coerced to inner type or update_data compatible type by reference, when possible

model attributes (ending in “_”) : dependent on estimator.

Xnp.ndarray or list

Input data, any number of channels, equal length series of shape ( n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints) or list of numpy arrays (any number of channels, unequal length series) of shape [n_cases], 2D np.array (n_channels, n_timepoints_i), where n_timepoints_i is length of series i. Other types are allowed and converted into one of the above.

Different estimators have different capabilities to handle different types of input. If self.get_tag(“capability:multivariate”)` is False, they cannot handle multivariate series. If self.get_tag( "capability:unequal_length") is False, they cannot handle unequal length input. In both situations, a ValueError is raised if X has a characteristic that the estimator does not have the capability to handle.

Data to fit transform to, of valid collection type.

ynp.ndarray, default=None

1D np.array of float or str, of shape (n_cases) - class labels (ground truth) for fitting indices corresponding to instance indices in X. If None, no labels are used in fitting.

transformed version of X
classmethod get_class_tag(tag_name, tag_value_default=None, raise_error=False)[source]

Get tag value from estimator class (only class tags).


Name of tag value.

tag_value_defaultany type

Default/fallback value if tag is not found.


Whether a ValueError is raised when the tag is not found.


Value of the tag_name tag in self. If not found, returns an error if raise_error is True, otherwise it returns tag_value_default.

ValueError if raise_error is True i.e. if tag_name is not in self.get_tags(

See also


Get a single tag from an object.


Get all tags from an object.


Get a single tag from a class.


>>> from aeon.classification import DummyClassifier
>>> DummyClassifier.get_class_tag("capability:multivariate")
classmethod get_class_tags()[source]

Get class tags from estimator class and all its parent classes.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs. Collected from _tags class attribute via nested inheritance. NOT overridden by dynamic tags set by set_tags or mirror_tags.


Get fitted parameters.

State required:

Requires state to be “fitted”.

deepbool, default=True

Whether to return fitted parameters of components.

  • If True, will return a dict of parameter name : value for this object, including fitted parameters of fittable components (= BaseEstimator-valued parameters).

  • If False, will return a dict of parameter name : value for this object, but not include fitted parameters of components.

fitted_paramsdict with str-valued keys

Dictionary of fitted parameters, paramname : paramvalue keys-value pairs include:

  • always: all fitted parameters of this object, as via get_param_names values are fitted parameter value for that key, of this object

  • if deep=True, also contains keys/value pairs of component parameters parameters of components are indexed as [componentname]__[paramname] all parameters of componentname appear as paramname with its value

  • if deep=True, also contains arbitrary levels of component recursion, e.g., [componentname]__[componentcomponentname]__[paramname], etc


Get metadata routing of this object.

Please check User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.


A MetadataRequest encapsulating routing information.

classmethod get_param_defaults()[source]

Get parameter defaults for the object.

default_dict: dict with str keys

keys are all parameters of cls that have a default defined in __init__ values are the defaults, as defined in __init__.

classmethod get_param_names()[source]

Get parameter names for the object.

param_names: list of str, alphabetically sorted list of parameter names of cls

Get parameters for this estimator.

deepbool, default=True

If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


Parameter names mapped to their values.

get_tag(tag_name, tag_value_default=None, raise_error=True)[source]

Get tag value from estimator class.

Uses dynamic tag overrides.


Name of tag to be retrieved.

tag_value_defaultany type, default=None

Default/fallback value if tag is not found.


Whether a ValueError is raised when the tag is not found.


Value of the tag_name tag in self. If not found, returns an error if raise_error is True, otherwise it returns tag_value_default.

ValueError if raise_error is True i.e. if tag_name is not in self.get_tags(

See also


Get all tags from an object.


Get all tags from a class.


Get a single tag from a class.


>>> from aeon.classification import DummyClassifier
>>> d = DummyClassifier()
>>> d.get_tag("capability:multivariate")

Get tags from estimator class.

Includes the dynamic tag overrides.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs. Collected from _tags class attribute via nested inheritance and then any overrides and new tags from _tags_dynamic object attribute.

See also


Get a single tag from an object.


Get all tags from a class.


Get a single tag from a class.


>>> from aeon.classification import DummyClassifier
>>> d = DummyClassifier()
>>> tags = d.get_tags()
classmethod get_test_params(parameter_set='default')[source]

Return testing parameter settings for the estimator.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

paramsdict or list of dict, default = {}

Parameters to create testing instances of the class. Each dict are parameters to construct an “interesting” test instance, i.e., MyClass(**params) or MyClass(**params[i]) creates a valid test instance. create_test_instance uses the first (or only) dictionary in params.

inverse_transform(X, y=None)[source]

Inverse transform X and return an inverse transformed version.

Currently it is assumed that only transformers with tags

“input_data_type”=”Series”, “output_data_type”=”Series”,

can have an inverse_transform.

State required:

Requires state to be “fitted”.

Accesses in self:

_is_fitted : must be True _X : optionally accessed, only available if remember_data tag is True fitted model attributes (ending in “_”) : accessed by _inverse_transform

Xnp.ndarray or list

Input data, any number of channels, equal length series of shape ( n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints) or list of numpy arrays (any number of channels, unequal length series) of shape [n_cases], 2D np.array (n_channels, n_timepoints_i), where n_timepoints_i is length of series i. Other types are allowed and converted into one of the above.

Different estimators have different capabilities to handle different types of input. If self.get_tag(“capability:multivariate”)` is False, they cannot handle multivariate series. If self.get_tag( "capability:unequal_length") is False, they cannot handle unequal length input. In both situations, a ValueError is raised if X has a characteristic that the estimator does not have the capability to handle.

Data to fit transform to, of valid collection type.

ynp.ndarray, default=None

1D np.array of float or str, of shape (n_cases) - class labels (ground truth) for fitting indices corresponding to instance indices in X. If None, no labels are used in fitting.

inverse transformed version of X

of the same type as X


Check if the object is composite.

A composite object is an object which contains objects, as parameters. Called on an instance, since this may differ by instance.

composite: bool

Whether self contains a parameter which is BaseObject.

property is_fitted[source]

Whether fit has been called.

classmethod load_from_path(serial)[source]

Load object from file location.


Result of ZipFile(path).open(“object).

deserialized self resulting in output at path, of
classmethod load_from_serial(serial)[source]

Load object from serialized memory container.


First element of output of

deserialized self resulting in output serial, of

Reset the object to a clean post-init state.

Equivalent to sklearn.clone but overwrites self. After self.reset() call, self is equal in value to type(self)(**self.get_params(deep=False))

Detail behaviour: removes any object attributes, except:

hyper-parameters = arguments of __init__ object attributes containing double-underscores, i.e., the string “__”

runs __init__ with current values of hyper-parameters (result of get_params)

Not affected by the reset are: object attributes containing double-underscores class and object methods, class attributes


Save serialized self to bytes-like object or to (.zip) file.

Behaviour: if path is None, returns an in-memory serialized self if path is a file location, stores self at that location as a zip file

saved files are zip files with following contents: _metadata - contains class of self, i.e., type(self) _obj - serialized self. This class uses the default serialization (pickle).

pathNone or file location (str or Path).

if None, self is saved to an in-memory object if file location, self is saved to that file location. If:

path=”estimator” then a zip file will be made at cwd. path=”/home/stored/estimator” then a zip file will be stored in /home/stored/.

if path is None - in-memory serialized self
if path is file location - ZipFile with reference to the file.

Set the parameters of this object.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects. The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


BaseObject parameters

selfreference to self (after parameters have been set)

Set dynamic tags to given values.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs.


Reference to self.


Changes object state by setting tag values in tag_dict as dynamic tags in self.

transform(X, y=None)[source]

Transform X and return a transformed version.

State required:

Requires state to be “fitted”.

Accesses in self: _is_fitted : must be True _X : optionally accessed, only available if remember_data tag is True fitted model attributes (ending in “_”) : must be set, accessed by _transform

Xnp.ndarray or list

Input data, any number of channels, equal length series of shape ( n_cases, n_channels, n_timepoints) or list of numpy arrays (any number of channels, unequal length series) of shape [n_cases], 2D np.array (n_channels, n_timepoints_i), where n_timepoints_i is length of series i. Other types are allowed and converted into one of the above.

Different estimators have different capabilities to handle different types of input. If self.get_tag(“capability:multivariate”)` is False, they cannot handle multivariate series. If self.get_tag( "capability:unequal_length") is False, they cannot handle unequal length input. In both situations, a ValueError is raised if X has a characteristic that the estimator does not have the capability to handle.

Data to fit transform to, of valid collection type.

ynp.ndarray, default=None

1D np.array of float or str, of shape (n_cases) - class labels (ground truth) for fitting indices corresponding to instance indices in X. If None, no labels are used in fitting.

transformed version of X
update(X, y=None, update_params=True)[source]

Update transformer with X, optionally y.

State required:

Requires state to be “fitted”.

Accesses in self: _is_fitted : must be True _X : accessed by _update and by update_data, if remember_data tag is True fitted model attributes (ending in “_”) : must be set, accessed by _update

Writes to self: _X : updated by values in X, via update_data, if remember_data tag is True fitted model attributes (ending in “_”) : only if update_params=True

type and nature of update are dependent on estimator

XSeries or Panel, any supported type
Data to fit transform to, of python type as follows:

Series: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, or np.ndarray (1D or 2D) Panel: pd.DataFrame with 2-level MultiIndex, list of pd.DataFrame,

nested pd.DataFrame, or pd.DataFrame in long/wide format

ySeries or Panel, default=None

Additional data, e.g., labels for transformation

update_paramsbool, default=True

whether the model is updated. Yes if true, if false, simply skips call. argument exists for compatibility with forecasting module.

selfa fitted instance of the estimator