
load_italy_power_demand(split=None, return_X_y=True, return_type='numpy3d')[source]

Load ItalyPowerDemand univariate time series classification problem.

split: None or one of “TRAIN”, “TEST”, default=None

Whether to load the train or test instances of the problem. By default it loads both train and test instances into a single array.

return_X_y: bool, default=True

If True, returns (features, target) separately instead of as single data structure.

return_type: string, default=”numpy3d”

Data structure to use for time series, should be either “numpy2d” or “numpy3d”.

X: np.ndarray

shape (n_cases, 1, 24) (return_type=”numpy3d”) or shape (n_cases, 24) (return_type=”numpy2d”), where n_cases where n_cases is either 67 (split = “train”) 1029 (split=”test”) or 1096.

y: np.ndarray

1D array of length 67, 1029 or 1096, only returned if return_X_y is True The class labels for each time series instance in X If return_X_y is False, y is appended to X instead.

ValueError is raised if the data cannot be stored in the requested return_type.


Dimensionality: univariate Series length: 24 Train cases: 67 Test cases: 1029 Number of classes: 2 Details:https://timeseriesclassification.com/description.php?Dataset=ItalyPowerDemand


>>> from aeon.datasets import load_italy_power_demand
>>> X, y = load_italy_power_demand()