
load_gunpoint(split=None, return_type='numpy3d')[source]

Load the GunPoint univariate time series classification problem.

split: None or one of “TRAIN”, “TEST”, default=None

Whether to load the train or test instances of the problem. By default it loads both train and test instances into a single array.

return_type: string, default=”numpy3d”

Data structure to use for time series, should be either “numpy2d” or “numpy3d”.

X: np.ndarray

shape (n_cases, 1, 150) (return_type=”numpy3d”) or shape (n_cases, 150) (return_type=”numpy2d”), where n_cases is either 150 (split=”train” or “test”) or 300.

y: np.ndarray

1D array of length 150 or 300. The class labels for each time series instance in X.

ValueError is raised if the data cannot be stored in the requested return_type.


Dimensionality: univariate Series length: 150 Train cases: 50 Test cases: 150 Number of classes: 2 Details: https://timeseriesclassification.com/description.php?Dataset=GunPoint


>>> from aeon.datasets import load_gunpoint
>>> X, y = load_gunpoint()