Developer Installation#

To install the latest development version of aeon, or earlier versions, the sequence of steps is as follows:

Step 1 - git clone the aeon repository, the latest version or an earlier version. Step 2 - ensure build requirements are satisfied Step 3 - pip install the package from a git clone, with the editable parameter.

Detail instructions for all steps are given below. For brevity, we discuss steps 1 and 3 first; step 2 is discussed at the end, as it will depend on the operating system.

Step 1 - clone the git repository#

The aeon repository should be cloned to a local directory, using a graphical user interface, or the command line.

Using the git command line, the sequence of commands to install the latest version is as follows:

    git clone
    cd aeon
    git checkout main
    git pull

To build a previous version, replace line 3 with:

    git checkout <VERSION>

This will checkout the code for the version <VERSION>, where <VERSION> is a valid version string. Valid version strings are the repository’s git tags, which can be inspected by running git tag.

You can also download a zip archive of the version from GitHub.

Step 2 - satisfying build requirements#

Before carrying out step 3, the aeon build requirements need to be satisfied. Details for this differ by operating system, and can be found in the aeon build requirements section below.

Typically, the set-up steps needs to be carried out only once per system.

Step 3 - building aeon from source#

To build and install aeon from source, navigate to the local clone’s root directory and type:

    pip install .

Alternatively, the . may be replaced with a full or relative path to the root directory.

For a developer install that updates the package each time the local source code is changed, install aeon in editable mode, via:

    pip install --editable .[dev]

This allows editing and extending the code in-place. See also pip reference on editable installs <>_).


You will have to re-run:

pip install --editable .

every time the source code of a compiled extension is changed (for
instance when switching branches or pulling changes from upstream).

Building binary packages and installers#

The .whl package and .exe installers can be built with:

    pip install build
    python -m build --wheel

The resulting packages are generated in the dist/ folder.

aeon build requirements#

This section outlines the aeon build requirements. These are required for:

  • installing aeon from source, e.g., development versions

  • the advanced developer set-up

Setting up a development environment#

First set up a new virtual environment. Our instructions will go through the commands to set up a conda environment which is recommended for aeon development. This relies on an anaconda installation <>_. The process will be similar for venv or other virtual environment managers.

In the anaconda prompt terminal:

  1. Navigate to your local aeon folder :code:cd aeon

  2. Create new environment with python 3.8: :code:conda create -n aeon-dev python=3.8

    .. warning:: If you already have an environment called “aeon-dev” from a previous attempt you will first need to remove this.

  3. Activate the environment: :code:conda activate aeon-dev

  4. Build an editable version of aeon :code:pip install -e .[all_extras,dev]

  5. If everything has worked you should see message “successfully installed aeon”

Some users have experienced issues when installing NumPy, particularly version 1.19.4.


If step 4. results in a "no matches found" error, it may be due to how your shell handles special characters.

- Possible solution: use quotation marks:

  pip install -e ."[all_extras,dev]"


Another option under Windows is to follow the instructions for `Unix-like OS`_, using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
For installing WSL, follow the instructions `here <>`_.